Clinical Specialties
Our Methods
Your Acupuncturist
“My experience with Eastern medicine started over a decade ago, when I began to learn and apply the core principles in my own life- movement, diet, herbs… As I began teaching these practices I found myself digging deeper, and just never stopped. From there I went all in and became a licensed practitioner of East Asian Medicine.
I love seeing the way people’s lives expand when they are able to move more freely, enjoy meals with friends and family, and basically get back to living a pleasurable life.. After all, we live in such a beautiful corner of the world. Let’s enjoy it while we can!
Beyond life in the clinic, you’ll find me out tinkering with Chinese herbs in my nursery, or diving for the giant Pacific octopus at the Keystone jetty. Enjoying the richness of the Salish sea.”
Peter Lundeen, LAc, EAMP

Get Started
You’re ready. Let’s get started.
Schedule a Tour
We’ll give you a full tour of the clinic and a warm cup of tea.
Schedule your First Appointment
Full tour, warm tea, and time to discuss your case and best options going forward.
What to expect during your first appointment
Call us at 360-301-1182 to set up your Tour or Appointment
Please familiarize yourself with the Office Policies.
Filling out your Forms beforehand keeps us on time.